Modern Slavery Act 2015
As an SME trading below the turnover threshold, Odstock Medical Ltd (OML) is not required to make a formal statement. However, we recognise that many of our patients and customers will be seeking reassurance about compliance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.
Modern slavery is a crime and violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, including slavery, servitude, forced & compulsory labour, and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
OML is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business relationships by implementing effective systems to identify and combat potential issues regarding slavery and human trafficking.
Organisational Structure
OML was established in 2005 as a subsidiary company of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and provides Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) equipment for sale to NHS and private customers in the UK, as well as customers internationally. OML treats patients directly at a clinic based in Salisbury District Hospital and through ‘Outreach’ partner clinics. All OML staff are employed on full or part-time contracts, with some additional staff shared with Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.
OML Supply Chain
All device assembly is performed by key supplier partners in the UK, with components and accessories sourced directly and indirectly from manufacturers both in the UK and internationally.
OML commitment and policies to combat slavery and human trafficking
OML is committed to introduce policies and procedures to provide confidence that anti-slavery and anti-trafficking standards are effectively implemented across the organisation.
A supplier Code of Conduct framework for all OML product suppliers is currently being developed for implementation. This will be issued to secure alignment with the supplier base including human rights policy commitments; specifically to prohibit the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, and we expect our suppliers will hold their own supplier base to the same high standards.
‘Outreach’ partner clinics
New contractual Agreements are planned to be introduced with the ‘Outreach’ clinic independent contractors treating OML patients. These will incorporate an agreement to adhere to the same relevant human rights and labour policies as outlined above.
Training and Awareness
Modern Slavery awareness training has been incorporated as a mandatory element of the induction programme for all new starters.
Raising concerns
OML is committed to dealing with any concerns raised in an open and honest manner, empowering and protecting those who do so. OML staff can report concerns through to their line manager or a member of the Senior Management team.
This statement is approved by the Odstock Medical Ltd Board and signed on its behalf by:
Calum Grant-Wood
Managing Director
26th September 2024